
Зачет по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» для студентов направления «Юриспруденция» 1 курс нормативные сроки обучения



Артикул: 55000306

Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную формы Present Simple.

  1. He (to work) at a factory.
  2. She (to sleep) after dinner.
  3. We (to work) part-time.
  4. They (to drink) tea every day.
  5. Mike (to be) a student.
  6. Helen (to have) a car.
  7. You (to be) a good friend.
  8. You (to be) good friends.
  9. It (to be) difficult to remember everything.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте глагол «to be» в требуемой формеPresent Simple.

  1. I … a student.
  2. My father … not a shop-assistant, he … a scientist.
  3. … your aunt a nurse? — Yes, she … .
  4. … they at home? — No, they … not. They … at school.
  5. … you an engineer? — Yes, I….
  6. … your friend a photographer? No, she … not a photographer, she … a student.
  7. … your brothers at school? — Yes, they … .
  8. … this her watch? — Yes, it … .
  9. Max … an office-worker.
  10. We … late, sorry!
  1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст



(1) Law is a body of rules supported by the power of government.It governs the behaviorof all members of society. It isnot possible to have a society without laws, as there would beanarchy in society then.

(2) Governments make laws and enforce them against allcitizens within their power. They have two motives in makingand enforcing laws. One is social control; the other is the implementationof justice. To establish social control governmentsuse public law and civil law. Public law ensures the authorityof the government itself and civil law provides framework forinteraction among people. Justice is a concept that most people feel is very important but few are able to define. Sometimes ajust decision is simply a decision that most people feel is fair.

(3) New laws appear all the time as our life is changing veryfast. But no country has been successful in producing laws,which are entirely satisfactory.Ordinary people start thinking about law only when everydayinformal ways of settling disputes break down. When we buy a train ticket, a lawyer may tell us it represents a contractwith legal obligations, but to most of us it is just a ticket thatgets us on the train. If our neighbour plays loud music late atnight, we will probably try to discuss the matter with himrather than consulting the police, lawyers or courts. Only whenwe are injured in a train accident or when a neighborrefusesto behave reasonably, we start thinking about the legal implicationsof our everyday activities.

(4) Even so, some transactions in modern society are socomplex that few of us would risk making them without firstseeking legal advice. We use it when we buy or sell a house, setup a business, or decide whom to give our property to whenwe die.On the whole, it seems that people all over the world arebecoming more and more accustomed to using legal means toregulate their relations with each other.

(5) As countries cooperate more and more and have anincreasing number of common global problems to solve, thereare attempts to internationalize legal standards, so that thesame legal principles could be applied to all countries andpeople.When law helps people to reach just agreements, it isregarded as a good thing. However, when it involves time andmoney and shows people’s inability to cooperate informally,law seems to be an evil — but a necessary one that everyoneshould have a basic knowledge of.