
Контрольная работа по английскому языку 2 вариант



Артикул: 55000108

Вариант №2

  1. Поставьте глаголы “to be” или “to have” в Present Simple:


  1. She … a nice flat.
  2. We … a little child. She …
  3. They … a big car. It …
  4. How … you?
  5. How old … Mary?

2. Измените предложения по следующему образцу.

These pencils are brown. — This pencil is brown.

  1. These pictures are nice.
  2. These books are old.
  3. These maps are new.
  4. These walls are dark green.
  5. These factories are large.
  6. These cups are red.
  7. These hats are dark blue.
  8. His children are nice.

3. Выполните письменный перевод текста и ответьте на вопросы:

There are somе new figures on my computer’s display. It shows changes in the market. The prices for oil go up. Some prices for machinery go down. Our company sells oil products and buys machinery. We can profit by the changes in the market. There is my boss over the telephone.

— Is there anything new in the market today, Norman?

— Some changes in the oil and machinery prices, boss.

— Quote them, please.

I quote the prices and we decide to increase the volume of our transactions in oil and machinery. There are no changes in prices for food and drinks. There are also a few changes in prices for clothes and footwear.

  1. What is there on my computer’s display?
  2. What does my computer show?
  3. What is new there in the oil and machinery prices?
  4. What does our company sell?
  5. What do we buy?
  6. Who is there over the telephone?
  7. 7. What does the boss want mе to do?
  8. What do we decide to do?
  9. Are there any changes in prices for food and drinks?
  10. Are there any changes in prices for clothes and footwear?

4. Выпишите из текста прилагательные и образуйте положительную, сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения и переведите их на русский язык.

Например: small — smaller — the smallest

 5. Переделайте первое и четвертое предложения текста в вопросительные и отрицательные.